La première liste contient des liens vers des instituts ou d'autres sources contenant principalement des informations non commerciales. La deuxième liste contient les fabricants et fournisseurs commerciaux. Les conférences et autres sont énumérées dans la liste des conférences.
Instituts et autres sources d'information :
nom du lien |
déscription | catégorie | pays |
optical constants | Useful optical constants and data about X-rays interacting with matter (photoabsorption, scattering, transmission, and reflection at E=50-30000 eV, Z=1-92 by B. L. Henke, E. M. Gullikson, and J. C. Davis) | database |
X-ray optical constants | Useful optical constants and data about X-rays interacting with matter (photoabsorption, scattering, transmission, and reflection at E=1 eV bis 433 keV von NIST) | database |
X-ray data booklet | X-ray data booklet of the Center for X-ray Optics and Advanced Light Source | database | USA |
X-ray table of elements | Table of elements showing absorption lines etc. | database | USA |
CRLs at IMT | CRLs made using the LIGA process at IMT / FZK / KIT | refractive lenses | Germany |
EMAS | European Microbeam Analysis Society | institute | UK |
Active X-ray optics | Improving Wolter X-ray telescopes by using piezo active optics | article>astronomy | USA |
X-ray portal | "X-ray portal": >50 X-ray institute links | link list | Japan |
ISA | ISA: Institute for Storage Ring Facilities in Aarhus; research in physics, chemistry, materials science and biology using accelerators and storage rings | institute | Danmark |
University of Helsinki | Laboratory of microtomography in the Division of Materials Physics, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science at University of Helsinki | institute | Finland |
ESRF | European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) | synchrotron | France |
RRUFF | RRUFF-project: database of Raman spectra, X-ray diffraction and chemistry data for minerals | database | USA |
ICSD | Inorganic Crystal Structure Database (ICSD): X-ray diffraction database | database | France |
IRP | Institute for X-Ray Physics at University Goettingen | institute | Germany |
MPI HLL | Halbleiterlabor (semiconductor lab) at Max-Planck-Institute: X-ray semiconductor detector research | institute: detectors | Germany |
ELSA | Bonner Synchrotronstrahlungsgruppe at Physikalisches Institut, University Bonn | institute | Germany |
BESSY | Berliner Elektronenspeicherring-Gesellschaft für Synchrotronstrahlung m.b.H | synchrotron | Germany |
DESY | Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron, Hamburg, Germany | synchrotron | Germany |
HASYLAB | Hamburger Synchrotronstrahlungslabor at DESY, Hamburg, Germany | synchrotron | Germany |
Wolfson | Wolfson Applied Materials Research Center at Tel-Aviv University: XRS-, XRD-lab | institute | Israel |
ELETTRA | Elettra Synchrotron Light Source, Trieste, Italy | synchrotron | Italy |
NIMS | National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS) X-ray Laboratory | institute | Japan |
PF | Photon Factory, Tsukuba, Japan | synchrotron | Japan |
SPring-8 | Super Photon Ring - 8 GeV, Nishi-Harima, Japan | synchrotron | Japan |
SSRC | Siberian Synchrotron Radiation Centre, Novosibirsk, Russia, and Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics | synchrotron | Russia |
SSLS | Singapore Synchrotron Light Source, Singapore | synchrotron | Singapore |
NatUniSingap. | X-ray diffraction laboratory at National University of Singapore | institute | Singapore |
Kings College | King's College London: X-ray physics research | institute | UK |
CXRO | Center for X-Ray Optics at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory | institute | USA |
CXO | Center for X-ray Optics | institute | USA |
IMB | X-Ray Facility, Institute of Molecular Biophysics, Florida State University | institute | USA |
NCXT | The National Center for X-ray Tomography (NCXT) | institute | USA |
Stony Brook | X-ray Optics & Microscopy at Stony Brook University | institute | USA |
BioX at KTH | Biomedical and X-Ray Physics at KTH | institute | Sweden |
TUD | Chair of Structural Physics of Condensed Matter at the University of Technology in Dresden | institute | Germany |
RWTH Aachen | 2. Physical Institute B at RWHT Aachen | institute: CRL | Germany |
Synchrotron map | The World of Synchrotron Radiation: a world map with all synchrotron sources | institute: synchrotron | UK |
Commercial manufacturer and supplier: |
detector crystals |
cameras | diffractometer | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Sorting does not work at the moment! | instrumentation | X-ray inspections | |||||||||||||||||||||
TXM | medical imaging | ||||||||||||||||||||||
zone plates | software | ||||||||||||||||||||||
multilayer optics | medical surgery | ||||||||||||||||||||||
capillary optics | service / repairs | ||||||||||||||||||||||
detectors | protection | ||||||||||||||||||||||
X-ray sources | X-ray film | ||||||||||||||||||||||
tomographs | spectrometer | ||||||||||||||||||||||
mirrors |
stages | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Company | Description | Logo | A |
B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | Country |
Accelrys | Software for X-ray diffraction and crystallography data analysis | ![]() |
X | USA | ||||||||||||||||||||
Accuray | Robotic radio surgery system for tumour treatment | X | USA | |||||||||||||||||||||
Accu-ray | X-ray Inspection System Rental and Service | ![]() |
X | USA | ||||||||||||||||||||
Accurel | X-ray Inspection Service | X | USA | |||||||||||||||||||||
Adonis | Medical X-ray machines | X | X | India | ||||||||||||||||||||
Amptek | Energy dispersive detectors; X-ray sources | X | X | X | USA | |||||||||||||||||||
attocube systems | Nanopositioning systems | X | Germany | |||||||||||||||||||||
AXCO | Australian X-ray Capillary Optics PTY Ltd: Produces monocapillary optics and optical systems for X-ray diffraction, spectrometry and SAXS/WAXS. | X | Australia | |||||||||||||||||||||
AXO Dresden | Applied X-ray Optics and high precision deposition multilayer X-ray optics |
X | Germany | ||||||||||||||||||||
Bruker AXS | All kind of X-ray equipment | X | X | X | X | X | X | USA? | ||||||||||||||||
Digiray | Digital X-ray Systems: Motionless Laminography; advanced scanning X-ray systems; portable, laboratory, or rugged-field imaging | ![]() |
X | USA | ||||||||||||||||||||
e2v | X-ray sensors and systemes | X | X | X | USA? | |||||||||||||||||||
Huber | Huber Diffraktionstechnik GmbH & Co. KG: diffraction and Positioning Equipment; stages, slits... | X | X | X | Germany | |||||||||||||||||||
incoatec |
Microfocus sources, Goebel mirrors, Montel optics, XRF analyzer crystals, synchrotron optics |
X | X | X | Germany | |||||||||||||||||||
miCos | Nanopositioning systems | X | Germany | |||||||||||||||||||||
Microworks | X-ray optical components and micro structures | X | ||||||||||||||||||||||
PANanlytical | X-ray tubes, X-ray flourescence and diffraction systems | X | X | X | USA | |||||||||||||||||||
phoenix|x-ray | X-ray inspection systems | X | X | X | Germany | |||||||||||||||||||
Rayonix | Large area X-ray detectors | ![]() |
X | USA | ||||||||||||||||||||
Roenalytic | XRF-analyser, coating thickness analysers | X | X | Germany | ||||||||||||||||||||
RCO | Reflective X-ray Optics LLC: reflective X-ray optics with multilayer coatings | X | X |
X | USA | ||||||||||||||||||
SII Nano Technology | XRF analytics, scanning electron microscopes | X | X | X | Japan | |||||||||||||||||||
Xenocs | Curved X-ray mirrors | X | France | |||||||||||||||||||||
XOS | X-ray optics and X-ray based analysers, doubly curved crystal optics, capillary optics | X | X | USA | ||||||||||||||||||||
X-ray portal | >300 X-ray company links | Japan | ||||||||||||||||||||||
XRadia | Producer of X-ray microscopes, Fresnel zone plate lenses and calibration targets | X |
X | X | USA |